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in this section you can see Key risks for internal audit
۱۶ key risks for internal audit to consider by KPMG:
۲-Regulatory compliance
۳-Governance, ethics and integrity of the organization
۴-Effectiveness and efficiency of operational processes
۵-Management of third-party relationships and risks
۶-Mergers, acquisitions and divestitures
۷-Alignment of operation to organization’ s sterategy and objectives
۸-Integrated enterprise risk management and monitoring
۹- data analytics and mass data usage
۱۰-Effective talent management
۱۱- IT governance
۱۲-Organization- wide initiatives/projects
۱۳-Data protection and privacy
۱۵-Tax Compliance
۱۶-Trade Environment and Customs

.I am Mahdi Mahmoudi , I m a Financial Manager